At MSC we have a range of engineering capabilities to support your business, including tool selection, programming assistance, and bespoke tooling packages
There are many internal and external pressures on engineering and manufacturing companies to try and find ways to reduce costs and improve their efficiencies. At MSC, we can help.
From tool selection or bespoke tool design to process improvements and troubleshooting your problems, our expert engineers can support your jobs from the start to finish.
Our engineering capabilities include:
Tool Selection
CAD/CAM and Programming Assistance
Special Tool Design
Cost Reduction Activities and Process Improvement
Bespoke Tooling Packages
Trouble Shooting Unexpected Application Problems
*NPI *Continuous improvement
Supporting You with Tool Selection
Our team can help you select the correct tool for the job. We start by understanding what it is you want to do, for example what component you are trying to create. We then look at all the options available before selecting the tool based on its life expectancy and cost-per part. We have an unbiased approach, so you know that you’re getting the best tool for the job.
Programming Assistance with CAD/CAM
We have a range of CAD/CAM software packages to ensure we can cater for all different types of machining. These include:
Autodesk Power Mill Fusion 360 Solid Cam
This range of software allows us to help you understand how to best use your tools, by programming technology tool paths. This can then either be replicated in your own software, or we can reprogramme your components for you. We can be flexible depending on your resource or skill set.
We also have a software called Vericut which helps us to create a digital representation of your machine. Once we have produced the code in our CAD/CAM software, we collision check the software with Vericut. This helps ensure that the code is right first time, and helps you avoid any mistakes or wastage that can impact your bottom line.
Special Tool Design
There are times when you are trying to manufacture a component but there are no standard tools out there that can do the job you want, or there is a cost saving to be made. This is where our special tool design capability comes in.
Like with our Tool Section offering, our engineers will work with you to understand what features you need from the tool. From there we design the tool and work with our range of suppliers to get a quote for its manufacture. This is then shared with you for your approval, and once everyone is happy, we will get the part made for you. To ensure you are getting the best cost-per-part, we will only design a tool if there is no other tool available that can get the job done.
Cost Reduction Activities and Process Improvements
Cost reduction and continuous process improvements often go hand in hand. At MSC, we have a five-step business change process that can support you with improving your existing processes or look at any new processes you are bringing in to ensure its optimal from the start.
This can include ways you could reduce your cycle time, so you can produce more in the same amount of time or reduce tooling costs. We work with you to understand what your objectives are, how your component is currently produced, and where we could recommend process improvements.
Our engineers act as consultants for your business, so they can walk around your shop floor and see where improvements can be made. If you’re introducing a new part, our new process improvements focus on cost avoidance, so assessing from the start how you can reduce the cycle times or the amount of operations.
Bespoke Tooling Packages
We can create bespoke tooling packages to help with manufacturing new or existing components. We can provide a tooling package and a method of manufacture to help you approach your job as cost-effectively as possible. This tooling package includes understanding the component you’re looking at, what tools are used in it, and the features you are after.
From there, we will provide a list of the best tools for the job as well as the method of manufacture.
Troubleshooting unexpected application problems
Whether you want support on-site or remote assistance, we can support you with whatever questions you have. We can help you with:
Adapting your methods of manufacture Your speeds and feeds Recommending a tool more suitable for a job Understanding why you are getting scrappage and how to reduce that
Our first point of call will always be to get your current solution working, and then we will recommend optimised ways of working to minimise any disruptions. We will also work to your priorities - if you want something done quickly, we can act fast, if you want something to be more cost effective, we will find the right solution for your needs.
We can even help if you just have a question you want answering, whether it’s about a tool, material, or machine.
Business Needs Analysis
When you get started with us, our engineers will spend time on your shopfloor looking at the type of machinery you have, components you make, and speaking with your employees to understand how they are working. This helps our engineers to understand what you are doing well and where you can make any improvements, including driving cost-savings.
To find out more about how our engineering and manufacturing capabilities can help your business make cost savings and process improvements, speak to one of our experts today.